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LHSAA Outdoor Track is a wrap, and we were thrilled to talk with Kali Magana, an accomplished junior at Louise S. McGehee School, about her athletic career.  As the current Division 2 Indoor 400 meter state champion, 1A Outdoor 100, 200, and 800 individual state champion, and member of the 1A Outdoor 4 x 200 meter state champion relay squad,  she's made a huge impact state-wide.  We asked her about her summer plans and how she gets it all done:

What time do you wake up on a regular basis?

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
Pray in the shower

What's for breakfast?
I eat a banana.

How many times do you work out on a non-race day?
If you count the stairs at school; all day every day.

How often are you in the gym or doing PT?
About twice a month. I don’t really get injured anymore

What's your favorite event?
400 and/or 800

How many meals/what time do you eat? What's typical (be honest)?
I eat like 3 meals a day. I normally eat breakfast at 5:00 am. I eat lunch at school. Then I have a big dinner.

What's your daily training shoe?
Nike Pegasus trail 4

What's your racing shoe(s) for indoor/outdoor track?
Nike Air Zoom Maxfly

What's your MPW in-season versus out-of-season?
Baby, I don’t run no miles!

Do you take a recovery period after meets? After championship meets? Between seasons?
After a meet, I take 2 days off. After a championship, I take a week to 2 weeks off. I take August off after the Jr Olympics.

Do you nap?
It’s my favorite thing to do. At school. At Home. At work. I’ll take a nap!

How many hours of sleep do you routinely get at night?
I do not sleep like I’m supposed to at night. Probably like 5 Hours. That’s why I nap!

Do you cross-train or participate in any other athletics? Did you as a young kid?
Nope. I tried basketball, but it wasn’t for me. I just got hit in the face with a volleyball this summer when I tried it. I’ll stick to track.

Why do you run/compete?
Because I love the sport and, not trying to sound cocky, I’m good at it.

What do you eat after a big meet? After a hard workout?
Pasta or acai bowls. I really like Mediterranean food. As a matter of fact I’m about to get some now.

Do you have any pre-race rituals that you don't diverge from — i.e., socks, stretch, hair, favorite song, etc?
I wear my lil top bun. I also wear my lucky green socks and my lucky headband. I can’t lose them!  My headband flew off at the state meet. I had to go find it!

What's your favorite subject in the classroom?
My favorite classes are Government and Anthropology.

Do you have any outside hobbies or interests - art, music, etc?
I listen to a lot of NBA Youngboy. I’m a for real stan. It’s my life. I also like going to eat at new places.

Do you plan to compete collegiately?

Now, for some questions specific to you:

You’ve got incredible range — you’ve earned a state title in the 400 (indoor), the 100, the 200, the 800 and the 4 x 2 this spring — what is your favorite distance, and which challenges you the most?
Lol I’m doing pretty well in the 800, so that’s my favorite event for now. My biggest challenge is that I don’t have anyone to run with in my district, region, or even state meet. I’m not going to have a challenge in the 800 until summer.

Are there any circumstances under which you might be motivated to try the 1600 just to grab another title?

Tell me more about your personal motto - the four P’s — where did that originate? What are the four P’s?
Push, Pace, Position, Pray – my trainer Coach Eric Smith came up with it. He first said it when I was in 8th grade. I mainly say, “I’m just pushing and praying.”

What was your first national-level competition? What event did you compete in? How was it different if at all?
I first went to the AAU Jr Olympics in 2018. I ran the 100, 200, and 400. I got stomped out there. I felt played so I had to have a come-back. I ran through shin splints in 2019, and lack of focus in 2020. But I knew I had potential so it all came together in 2021 and I’ve been rolling since.

How important is team culture to you? You’ve been on several squads over the years — what has it been like to step up from being a young talent into the role of seasoned competitor and leader?
It feels good. I like helping the little kids out. They look up to me. School track is different from Summer track because the kids have different motivations. You have to have a “Next man up” mentality in school.

Who has made the biggest impact on you as an athlete?
Coach Eric Smith and Raven Nunnery

As a young girl, what women in sports did you look up to?
I didn’t really look at sports growing up, until I really got into track.

What is your favorite memory associated with sports?
Placing 3rd at AAU Jr Olympics in the 800m when I really had no experience in running it. I was tired, but I was on top of the world.

What does it mean to you to be a woman in sports? Do you think your experience and opportunities are different from male athletes competing at the same level?
Frankly, I look better than the men competing, so I get more shine; not to toot my own horn. In track, good times get attention. As long as I keep doing well, and looking good, doors will open for me.

What advice would you give a young girl just starting off in athletics?
Have fun first. Have a clear mind and no expectations. People will try to put pressure on you to perform. Ignore it and have fun knowing that you put your all into something.

As you head into senior year and start figuring out what school will be the best opportunity for you as a student-athlete, what is ppeling to you?  Location, size, academincs, team culture, conference, all of the above?  Location is #1.  Team culture is a close 2nd.  I can't be around no people who don't want to work for real.  Also, I need my future team to feel like a family.

We're really excited to hear about your first international competition, representing Belize this summer.  What does it mean to you to be selected to represent your father's heritage on the world stage?               It means a lot to me to represent Belize on the International Stage.  I want to become the first in my family to do something important.  Belize is a small country and I want to help bring them to the spotlight.

Is there anything else that is essential to know about you as an athlete?   The success you see now did not come easy.  I went through injury, people doubting me and my own self-doubt.  I work hard on and off the track.  I just make this look easy.


Kali returned from her first international competion earlier this week.  Representing Belize for the first time internationally, Magana brought home a first place finish in the 400 meter run, as well as second place in the 100 meter and 200 meter dashes.  Congratulations to Kali and her family and coaches!


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